Forever faithful in the NT!

By Nikos Varlas/

The Greek NT is about to start the hunt for a medal in the upcoming Eurobasket and Vasilis Spanoulis the player who has to carry the biggest burden of this effort, being the number one target of every opponent’s defense. The Euroleague MVP is always accepting the call of his national team, he repeats that he will be always available and he disagrees with Nicolas Batum about Greece.

V-Span would like to consider Greece as an underdog for a medal, he is not fazed by the roster which has only three guards and he makes one more time the case of a Eurobasket cycle of every four years instead of the current two years. As he explains, it’s getting inhuman for the players to be under pressure almost constantly without a break and that’s how he explains the many absences in FIBA tournaments.

– Like in Olympiacos the last two season, you have also a pivotal role in the Greek national team and a very heavy load. How do you accept it?

“I enjoy it! I have learned to cope with pressure. Sincerely, I got used to it the last few seasons and I have fun, trying to give everything for my team. My goal is to win and I don’t have anything else on my mind”.

– In the recent past Greece had also a roster with many quality guards. This time there are only three guards, you, Zisis and Sloukas. Can you endure a tournament with back to back games?

“Our job is to play basketball. Coach Trinkieri made his choices and we have to follow his lead and adapt to the situation. We know who we are and we will try to do our best in order to succeed in Eurobasket”.

– Just before the tip off, can you point to the favorites for a medal?

“For sure Spain is very strong and there are also five or six teams of high level, which can be considered contenders and will produce good results. We belong to this group, but we are among the underdogs to win a medal”.

– After missing last year’s Olympic Games, on a difficult moment for the team, you have said that as long you are healthy, you will be always available for the national team. Do you still feel like that?

“Yes, I still feel the same and I am proud that I have been a member of the national team since I was a junior. Hopefully I will continue to be a member of the team until the end of my career. It’s the greatest honor for an athlete and the biggest achievement to be a part of his national team’s history”.

– There are many absences in this year’s tournament and many important players have decided to rest. What’s your take on the proposed four year Eurobasket cycle instead of the current two year?

“Eurobaskets should be held every four years. We are not robots! Specially after the changes made in Euroleague’s season, the burden is getting inhuman for every player who also wants to play for his national team”.

– Nicolas Batum in his Eurohoops interview named Greece as the most difficult opponent for his team. Do you have an answer for him?

“It’s his opinion, but I don’t agree. We are going to play our game and enjoy the tournament. We will see step by step what we can do and where we will end up. When there are knock out games, nobody can make predictions. We have ambitions, but it will be wrong to thing anything else than the game at hand”.