“I am not dreaming of F4, I work every day”

2014-03-14T16:05:25+00:00 2014-03-16T22:05:43+00:00.

Aris Barkas

14/Mar/14 16:05


As EA7 Milano is heading to the play offs, Luca Banchi speaks to Eurohoops about Minuccu, Armani, his big suprise, the rivalry between Milan and Siena and his optimism for the tortured Italian national team

By Nikos Varlas/ varlas@eurohoops.net

When after just a season Luca Banchi decided to leave Siena for EA7 Milano, it was obvious that the balance of basketball powers in Italy was about to change. He was a key figure in the most recent dynasty of Italian basketball even as an assistant to Simone Pianigiani and during his first season as the head coach, despite a cut down budget he created a more than strong team.

Now he is working miracles in Milan by adding some key players in the roster and changing the old philosophy of the team. EA7 Milano is now the favorite to win Legabasket and also seems to be only steps away from the home court advantage in Euroleague’s play offs.

So Eurohoops had to speak to him, he was kind enough to give us his team and be honest about his surprise, when EA7 Milano picked him last summer, and also about the resurgence of the Italian national team.

– Do you feel lucky being a member of Siena during its reign in European basketball and also the coach who is now leading EA7 Milano in a new era of dominance?

“I have to say thanks to people like president Minucci and coach Simone Pianigianni. They game me a lot of space, a lot of responsibilities and in the end I hope I deserved the trust and the position of the head coach in my last season there.

What we had achieved the previous season, was really amazing! For me, for the players, for the club and for the city of Sienna. It was a difficult moment. The crisis of the bank was clear as also the general crisis in the city.

We did our best in order to be for once more a solid Euroleague team and we were very close to make it to the playoffs. We played an excellent Top-16 but some injuries and lack of energy did not give us the opportunity to qualify. After that, we got the Italian Cup and also the Italian League. It was a big surprise for everybody! My experience at Sienna was something really nice”.

– There were many rumors this summer for Milan’s bench, but you finally got the job. How easy was it, specially because of the rivalry between your new team and Siena…

“About the call of EA7 Milano to me, it was a little bit strange! I didn’t believe it in the first moment for many reasons! It was hard for Milano to think about me. What I mean is that Milano and Siena are big rivals. Ok, we are not talking about the Olympiacos versus Panathinaikos crazy thing, but those teams are rivals. We speak about two clubs coming from different cities and with total different strategy. But, it’s always nice to compete.

We had the established team all the last years and the new project was at Milan. At the end I was a little bit surprised. When I talked with the president of Milan, I realized that they wanted to pick me for the new season. They believed that my work could fit with the new ideas they have at Milan and the new project they are running”.

– Your team is doing great, you are near the home court advantage in Euroleague’s play offs and you are hosting the final four…

“I’m so happy for that and I felt the responsibility from the first moment. Not so much because of the budget, but because of the big expectations they have for the team. I really like to give back to the team something more. Everybody expects that we are ready to win in Italy, but I want to prove that a team like Milan could also compete at the top Euroleague level”.

– During the previews two seasons we insisted in Eurohoops that Milan had some great players, but not a great team. There was a lack of fighting spirit, creation and defense. But now things are different and we thing that you are ready for the top level….

“Look, specially after Daniel arrived Milano – he was our main target since summer but something happened during the negotiations and it didn’t worked out – we have some very clear ideas about the team. We wanted to change a little bit the way team was build. I agree with your opinion. In the past talent and offensive quality came first. Siena was the big team to win and also Milano was a big city which always represented by big names in its basketball team.

Now, the administration decided to do things a little bit different. Ok, the coach let’s say is not a top level coach, but during the years he can help the team and the players to improve. We had to take players capable to build the right chemistry and who love to play together. I really agree with you, for example a player like Moss for sure can fit well next to a big scorer like Langford or Gentile.

But, I never forget that Keith and Gentile are the big bosses of the team. They are so talented and they can also do everything on the floor. For sure you need that type of players – like Moss, Hackett and Lawal – to compete in the Eurolegue highest level. I hope that also players like Cangur, like Wallace or Cerella with great – solid team spirit can help as too much.

At the end I believe we are not still on the top level, we have ups and downs but I feel we have high potentials for the future. Honestly, I’m not dreaming that my team will be at the F4, I just try to do the best day by day”.

Τhe Italian national team

– Italy had a strange Eurobasket. After a great first round, the team missed in the last game of the tournament the ticket to FIBA World Cup and also was withdrawn from the wildcards process. Do you think that the last tournament was the proof that the problem is not having NBA stars available but players ready to fight for the team?

“In Italy we have a very solid culture for the team spirit. Also outside of our country, when people say “La Squadra” they mean a real TEAM and they use the Italian word in order to explain what means to play together. Also, when we have the NBA guys on court we look like a team.

This summer, Italy demonstrated to everyone that we can react in emergency. We have the quality to succeed. But at the last moment we struggle, we had many injuries and we looked poor, specially near the basket. We found the way to play and compete and at the end we had many regrets. I know, to finish in the eight place of this Eurobasket and after the first round we had, it seems bad. You know, at the end, just one missing player, I don’t know maybe Hackett, Gallinari or Bargniani, would be enough to qualify to the world championship.

At the end of the day I’m very optimistic. We have many really good players from different generations and we really can compete.We have the potentials to succeed in the near future. People like Hackett, Meli, Gentile have great experience in Euroleague and they are showing to everybody they can really play in the top level. I hope they will become the next Spanoulis, the next Diamantidis, the next Printezis!

No matter the time, but we have the system, the mentality and the players to play together as a national team and make great things. No matter also if they players will come from the NBA or from a small team in Italy. We proved we can play like LA SQUADRA”
