“Maccabi is the biggest challenge so far”

He does everything on the court like he’s a computer, but plays with heart like he’s born in Munich and has passed his childhood in Olympiastadion as a Bayern fan. Malcolm Delaney is the mind and soul of the biggest surprise team so far in the Euroleague. The absolute leader of the team is an American guard who decided early that his way to the summit passes through Europe.

He began his overseas career with Chalon in France, continued with Budivelnik in Ukraine and going step by step he’s shining with Bayern. Eurohoops talked with the 25-year-old guard about his career so far, his team, his plans, his point of view on the college basketball, the NBA and his football background.

– Your basketball ID writes “scorer” but you have great numbers also in assists. Do you feel more as a point or a shooting guard? Do you have the freedom to move also outside of the “team plays”?

“I can be whatever the team needs. I feel I’m a “playmaker”. My role here is to play point guard and that’s what I’m trying to do perfect and help to get the win. I’ve always been able to score”.

– Do you like the basketball style that Bayern follows? It’s quite different than the majority of the European teams with more emphasis in run ‘n gun…

“Yes I signed here for opportunity and our style of play is fun. It was challenging for me defensively but it’s making me a better all around player”.

A traditional football powerhouse decided to strengthen its basketball section and the trademark is so huge that it was only matter of time for the “miracle” to happen. Bayern made the big win two weeks ago against Real Madrid and this week they face Maccabi having in front of them the biggest challenge: to qualify in the quarterfinals.

– The “Bayern” trademark is huge thanks to the soccer team and you gain a lot of these benefits.Have you watched a soccer game of Bayern so far? Do you “feel” the history of the club daily?

“I went to a game on my birthday and it was the first soccer game I’ve ever attended. It was fun and exciting to be in that atmosphere of the biggest club in the world and to experience that”.

– Bayern has done so many big things in such little time. Which is the secret of your team? Is coach Pesic like the best teacher you could have?

“Coach Pesic is definitely one of the best coaches I’ve had and he has a style that demands a lot and helps players get outside of their norm to achieve bigger goals. The secret is just how hard we work every day”.

– Your win over Real Madrid was one of the most spectacular games and results in the Top 16. Do you feel after that game that you can go all the way until the quarterfinals?

“That game was big for us. We haven’t used the momentum from that game like I expected, but we still have a big opportunity ahead of us”.

– In the next Euroleague game you will face a traditional powerhouse in Europe, Maccabi and you have the challenge to win and raise your chances to qualify in the quarterfinals. Do you look forward on that game as your biggest challenge so far?

“Definitely, because if we don’t win, we‘ll have little to no chance. So we have to take this game serious if that’s a goal we want to reach”.

– In the German league you lead but everybody is awaiting the playoffs. What do you think about Brose Baskets, Alba, Ulm and the other teams? Do they have bigger motivations against you?

“Any team can lose on any day in the BBL, and everybody doesn’t like us very much. We will get the best from every team and that’s not easy. But we will see what happens and who finishes on top”.

– You failed in your first goal of the season, the German Cup. Did you have in mind more the Euroleague or it was matter of the “bad moment”?

“We just didn’t play well; we have no excuses at all. We were outplayed and congrats to Berlin is all I really have to say about that”.

“I don’t respect the NCAA”

Delaney studied in Virginia Tech and is still one of the most successful players there.  He couldn’t play in the NCAA tournament, he went undrafted, tried once in a summer league and after all that his mind is European! Now he’s one of the best Americans who play in Europe. He could make the big step to the NBA only if he could have a guaranteed contract.

– All this atmosphere of the final four reminded you your college years and your passion to play in the NCAA tournament? Do you watch these days the “March Madness”?

“I got scammed out of the NCAA twice so I can care less about it honestly. I don’t respect the NCAA committee and selection process”.

– Do you have the intention to hunt the “NBA dream” or do you want to go there only if you have a guaranteed contract?

“Of course my dream is to play and I think about it, but Europe has benefited me. And yes, I think the only way I would go home is for a guaranteed contract. It only makes sense”.

– Do you still regret your participation in the Summer League with Pistons two years ago? Would you do it again?

“I wasted a summer. I didn’t have much time that year and I used half of my time to focus on summer league and never got an opportunity. I learned a lot and it changed my mindset. So I don’t think I regret it but I will never do that again”.

– You have said before that after these excellent three seasons in Europe, you would love to sign a multi-year contract. Would you like to do it with Bayern or with a traditional basketball club in Europe?

“Bayern is a great place to be and as far as the business side we will see how that works out. Still have a lot of season left”.