7DAYS EuroCup Power Rankings Vol. 1

19/Oct/21 10:00 October 18, 2021


19/Oct/21 10:00


With the new 7DAYS EuroCup season underway, Eurohoops ranks all 20 participating teams in the first volume of the 2021-22 Power Rankings

By Antigoni Zachari / info@eurohoops.net

The new and refurbished 7DAYS EuroCup season begins October 19, which means that it’s about time to evaluate the 20 participating teams in the first power rankings for 2021-22!

The competition turns a new page this season with a new format. 20 teams are separated into two groups of 10 and the best 8 teams of the regular season will compete in the knockout eighthfinals in April. Then, the winners of the eighthfinals pairs will advance to the quarterfinals.

This new format was evaluated along with the following criteria in order to rank all 20 teams: a) offseason transfers, b) roster quality, c) trajectory for the regular season, and d) experience in the competition.

On to the rankings!