The crossover nobody asks for, but everyone needs is back

26/Apr/24 12:11 April 26, 2024

Giannis Askounis

26/Apr/24 12:11

The Basketball Champions League Final Four and the Eurovision Song Contest combine the best sport and best songs of the world in a matter of a few days

By Johnny Askounis/

The third annual Basketball Champions League Final Four versus Eurovision Song Contest mash-up is here.

Combining the Final Four with our guilty pleasure became much more complicated. Three Spanish teams dominating the field to compete in Belgrade forced most connections beyond the borders of the respective contenders. At the end of the day, enjoying basketball and music with friends and family remains the message.

Between 7 and 11 of May, the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest will be held in Malmo, Sweden. A full week after the next BCL champion will be crowned in Belgrade, Serbia. So, keep the schedule in mind when preparing to spread necessary food and drinks between both trademark events.

Among the 37 countries participating in the 68th installment of Eurovision, four earned an attachment to Lenovo Tenerife, Peristeri bwin, UCAM Murcia, and Unicaja.

From Belgrade Arena to Malmo Arena, get ready for entertaining action.

Resist the temptation to convert the below links into fun bets or not.