ΕuroLeague: Team Europe VS Team USA (forwards)

10/Aug/17 10:53 August 10, 2017

Aris Barkas

10/Aug/17 10:53


What would you think about an All Star Game in the EuroLeague? Eurohoops presents a… different kind of confrontation between Team Europe and Team USA, that is, between the top European players and those originating from the United States.

By George Orfanakis / info@eurohoops.net

The heavy schedule doesn’t allow for an All Star Game, but Eurohoops attempts to divide the top players in two teams that will take part in the game of the best.
After the “battle” of the guards, where the Europeans prevailed over the Americans, it’s time for the forwards (SF and PF), with the differences clearly being smaller.
As in the case of the guards, with the forwards too the selections are five for each team. Check out the players who make up Team Europe and Team USA and then cast your vote for the final winner…