Three more final squads

30/Aug/13 18:26
Montenergo with Tyrese Rice as its naturalized player, Germany and Czech Republic announced officially their final selections for the...

O Kατσικάρης τηλεσχολιάστης

29/Aug/13 19:50
Ο Φώτης Κατσικάρης θα βρίσκεται στη Σλοβενία ως τηλεσχολιαστής για τον OTE TV και φυσικά θα παρακολουθήσει και θα...

PAO in China, Dallo in Partizan

29/Aug/13 16:58
Panathinaikos officially announced that the team will travel during Eurobasket in China for exhibition games, while Partizan added one...